Wellbeing Support Worker ‘My Way Home’ - Advert
This post will play a key role in the provision of a truly innovative, psychologically and trauma informed model of support for young people in Cardiff who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. This ambitious project aims to make youth homelessness rare, brief and non-recurrent.
This is an exciting opportunity for someone who wants to be part of the solution to end homelessness for young people, by equipping them with the necessary tools to overcome adversity, harnesses their potential, goals and dreams to enjoy a brighter future.
The role will include working with young who are at risk or have experienced grooming and child sexual or criminal exploitation, substance misuse and/or complex mental health. Providing targeted support to equip young people with coping strategies, building emotional resilience and self-regulation as a bridge whilst they are waiting to access CAHMS or other mental health services. Working peripatetically across all Young Persons provision in collaboration with the young person’s support worker, wider team and partner agencies.
Llamau is leading the My Way Home Partnership in Cardiff working alongside strategic, research and delivery partners including Cardiff Council, Cardiff University, Welsh Refugee Council, Cadwyn Housing Association, United Welsh Housing Association, Platfform, Cardiff and Vale Health Board
Location: Floating Support - Cardiff
Hours: Full Time hours are 35 hours per week plus on call duties*
- Additional payment of £96.00 for on call
Any shift completed voluntarily or as part of on call will be paid in addition to your salary at relief rates;
Relief Pay per hour
£ 13.45
Contract: Fixed Term, 31st March 2027
Support Workers take part in the On Call rota (1 week in 8 but can be subject to change due to staffing levels). This involves providing 1st tier on Call support and advice for projects including 24 hrs staffed projects. This may require providing some shift cover and out of hours project attendance, where alternative cover is not available.
Gweithiwr Cefnogi Lles 'Fy Ffordd Adref' - Hysbyseb
Bydd y swydd hon yn chwarae rhan allweddol yn y gwaith o ddarparu model cymorth gwirioneddol arloesol wedi’i lywio gan seicoleg a thrawma i bobl ifanc yng Nghaerdydd sy’n ddigartref neu dan fygythiad o ddigartrefedd. Nod y prosiect uchelgeisiol hwn yw gwneud digartrefedd ymhlith pobl ifanc yn rhywbeth prin, am gyfnod byr, sydd ddim yn digwydd yn rheolaidd.
Mae hwn yn gyfle cyffrous i rywun sydd eisiau bod yn rhan o'r datrysiad i roi terfyn ar ddigartrefedd ymhlith pobl ifanc drwy gynnig yr offer priodol iddynt oresgyn trallod, meithrin eu gallu, gwireddu eu targedau a'u breuddwydion er mwyn mwynhau dyfodol llawer mwy disglair.
O fewn y swydd bydd angen gweithio gyda phobl ifanc sydd wedi profi, neu mewn perygl o brofi perthynas amhriodol ar-lein, ecsbloetiaeth rywiol neu droseddol, camdriniaeth sylweddau neu faterion iechyd meddwl cymhleth. Cynnig cymorth penodol i roi strategaethau ymdopi i bobl ifanc, adeiladu gwytnwch emosiynol a hunanreolaeth i bontio’r cyfnod wrth iddynt ddisgwyl am gymorth gan CAHMS neu wasanaethau iechyd meddwl eraill. Gweithio mewn ffordd beripatetig ar draws yr holl ddarpariaeth i Bobl Ifanc ar y cyd â gweithiwr cymorth yr unigolyn ifanc, tîm ehangach ac asiantaethau partner.
Mae Llamau yn arwain y bartneriaeth Fy Ffordd Adref yng Nghaerdydd gan weithio ochr yn ochr â phartneriaid strategol, ymchwil a chyflawni gan gynnwys Cyngor Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Cyngor Ffoaduriaid Cymru, Cymdeithas Tai Cadwyn, Cymdeithas Tai Unedig Cymru, Platfform a Bwrdd Iechyd Caerdydd a’r Fro
Lleoliad: Gweithiwr Cefnogi Lles - Caerdydd
Cyflog: £12.47 yr awr
Oriau: Oriau llawn amser yw 35 awr yr wythnos
Contract: Tymor Penodol, 31 Mawrth 2027
Mae Gweithwyr Cymorth yn cymryd rhan yn y rota Ar Alwad (1 wythnos yn 8 ond gallant newid oherwydd lefelau staffio). Mae hyn yn cynnwys darparu cymorth ar alwad haen 1af a chyngor ar gyfer prosiectau gan gynnwys prosiectau â staff 24 awr. Mae'n bosibl y bydd hyn yn gofyn am gyflenwi rhai shifftiau a phresenoldeb prosiect y tu allan i oriau, lle nad oes gwasanaeth amgen ar gael.
At Llamau we believe that no young person or vulnerable woman should ever have to experience homelessness. Our mission is to eradicate homelessness for young people and vulnerable women. But for thousands of the most vulnerable people in Wales, homelessness is a frightening reality.
30 years ago Llamau was founded to provide homeless teenagers with a safe place to stay. Since then, we have supported over 67,000 young people, women and their children who are either homeless or facing homelessness.
Many people think the job of a homelessness charity will be to provide accommodation - a safe place to stay. But it is very clear to us that for most people who are facing homelessness, their problems are far more complex than a lack of permanent shelter.
That's why we treat everyone who needs our support as an individual. We recognise their unique strengths and needs and make sure that they are supported to rebuild their futures.